Counting in Kpelle

Kpelle Numbers

lɔ́ɔlu mɛi da……………….6
lɔ́ɔlu mɛi feerɛ…………..7
lɔ́ɔlu mɛi saaba…………8
lɔ́ɔlu mɛi náaŋ…………..9
puu káu tɔnɔ……………11
puu káu feerɛ………….12
puu feerɛ…………………20
puu lɔ́ɔlu mɛi náaŋ….90
ŋuŋ tɔ́nɔ………………….100
ŋuŋ feerɛ………………..200
wala tɔ́nɔ……………..1000
wala feerɛ……………2000

Kpelle Counting Quizlet Flashcards (w/Pronunciation)

Although the word structure for counting in Kpelle is relatively simple, this causes the word to grow significantly in length as the numbers increase and become more complex.  Below are some examples to demonstrate the pattern using the number “2” (feerɛ):

12……………………………………puu kau feerɛ
22………………….………………………puu feerɛ
102…………………………..ŋuŋ tɔ̀nɔ káu feerɛ
112……ŋuŋ tɔ̀nɔ feerɛ puu feerɛ káu feerɛ
122…..……….ŋuŋ tɔ̀nɔ puu feerɛ káu feerɛ
200………..……………………………….ŋuŋ feerɛ
202………….……………….ŋuŋ feerɛ káu feerɛ
212…………………….ŋuŋ feerɛ puu káu feerɛ
222…………….ŋuŋ feerɛ puu feerɛ káu feerɛ
602……………..….ŋuŋ lɔ́ɔlu mɛi da káu feerɛ
612…………..ŋuŋ lɔ́ɔlu mɛi da puu káu feerɛ
622…..ŋuŋ lɔ́ɔlu mɛi da puu feerɛ káu feerɛ
2000………………………………………..wala feerɛ 

Counting in Kpelle

When counting objects in Kpelle, the number always follows the object being counted.  Below is an exercise to practice counting things in Kpelle.
(Note: Alienable nouns do not have a plural form.  
For example tɛ́ɛ “chicken” refers to a single chicken or to many chickens)


Kpelle Counting Practice (Answer Key)